Some Super Clever Heading About Health!!!

No Known Restrictions: Public Health Service Nurse and Patient (LOC)

I know I need to step up my header naming game.  10 Ways to Embrace Your Body!  One Thousand Steps to Beach Babe Body!  Some Other Title that Isn't Really True But Captures Goldfish Like Attention Spans!!!

This is my brain dump on health.  As well as notes that I have taken for myself.  Hopefully there will be some thought provokers for you.

  • There are no short cuts to health.
  • What does health look like to you?  
    • What does it mean to you?  
    • It will mean something different to different people.
  • Your health journey should be based on love, not based on shame and guilt.  
    • Beardo's dad is a lover of people.  One way that he shows love is showing concern for people's health.  He does it with loving intention.  But he will straight up tell you are fat.  He will give you the caterpillar eyebrow if he sees you grabbing a second helping.  He does all the fat shaming that the younger generations would call out.  He is very open about.
    • We all know that it doesn't have to be blatant though and that's the real rough part.
    • We internally fat shame.
    • We see fat shaming in others whether or not it's there.
    • We think we are more important in other people's eyes than what we truly are so if we see them looking at us we assume horrible things when in reality they are looking through you and don't even realize you are there.  Goldfish attention span.
    • I totally need to find a goldfish emoji and use it whenever I am talking about Goldfish.  Wow... 🐠 closest we got and boy-o have I gone off on a tangent. 🐠🐠🐠
  • What you don't choose will be chosen for you.  
    • Your habits, whether intentional or not, will dictate your future health.
  • Remember who you are.  
    • You are not your body.  
    • You are not where you are at right now.  
    • What would it look like to return to who you are.  
    • Don't think about size or shape or any of that nonsense, but who you were.  
    • Remember who you are.
  • What do you need in your life to support who you are becoming?
I am going to break into the bullet points here to explain the following.  List out your most important areas of health.  Mine are sleep, nutrition, and physical.  I did a brain dump of the things I know.  I don't need to do research.  These are the things I know that either can assist or that I should be doing.  For instance, I know that scents can help you fall asleep more easily.  Or that my special light in the morning helps me to fall asleep more easily at night.  
  • Define your most important health values:
    • Here are the points that are important to me:
      • Sleep
        • What I know about sleep: 
        • scents, reduce light, sound machine, light in the morning
        • nighttime routine
        • cut off caffeine
          • restless legs
      • Nutrition
        • you must make a plan
        • what can I add to bless my body?
          • leafy greens 2x a day
      • Physical
        • schedule it
        • choose a goal that challenges you to do something you didn't thing you could.
          • 29092 Everesting
          • Full Marathon
          • Tough Mudder
          • Ultramarathon
  • Remember: You've done harder things
Transforming my life in 2021 to optimize joy!

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  1. I choked a laugh as I read this... Dad, yeah he's gonna let ya know... but as you said its out of love. I think we all worry about what others think and if we were able to more focus on what we think about ourselves then we'd all be a lot happier. I know I'm old and slow running but I completed a sprint marathon last year! Someone else won it, someone else came in second... but then again 100000000000s of people didn't even try. You gotta get some blood in the game to gain a reward... and the reward only benefits you.... your health, your body, your life!

    1. 100000000000s of people didn't even try. You did. You tried. Which means you won!
