

I was laying in the grass after a hard ruck breathing in the early afternoon sun listening to the cicadas song as it swirls from side to side like fans doing the wave in a stadium.  What a delight!  Have you ever heard a cicada?  

While I was laying there 2 people rode by on their bikes and I heard the woman describing what her boyfriend's childhood was like.  He had to grow up early.  His parent's divorced and his dad remarried.  His mother was in and out of relationships.... and there the story ends for us as they continued out of ear shot.

And that made me think.  It isn't YOUR difficult childhood that makes you unique.  If you listen carefully you will find stories just like yours everywhere.  Even when they are horrific and unimaginable... someone right now is living a parallel childhood.  That is the nature of humanity that we share the joys and the horrors.  

It is not your experiences that make you unique.  It is who you become through those experiences.  

Some people have traveled the world and not seen a thing.  Some people have never left their state and have seen the world.  

Some people have been victimized by something in their past.  Some people have conquered things in their past.  

Some people hurriedly move from thing to thing in their day checking things off the list.  Some people sip their coffee, savoring the flavor of the beans, listening to the morning songs of life waking up for the day...

Take it one moment at a time and you string enough moments together and you become renewed...

Who will you be in this next moment?

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