Stretch Goals

Morning stretch

As you consider new goals, either for 2021, the week, the month, etc... consider turning them into stretch goals.   

Stretch goals are to stretch you.  Not necessarily achievable.  

How can you tell if it's a stretch goal?  Can you currently map out how to achieve the goal?  No, then it's a stretch goal.

You want to have $10,000 in savings.  So you are hoping to save $100 this week/month/year/not assuming we all have the same financial situation. Instead of setting it to $100 make it just a bit beyond what you reasonably think you can achieve even if the stars aligned.  

You are capable of more than you think.  

Have you heard that your brain, as a protective mechanism, will stop you well before you reach 100% of your physical capacity?  I believe it's around 60% capacity is when the brain starts telling you that you can't do any more.  

Ever wonder why zombies are faster and stronger?  That brain delimiter is taken off.  Yes, zombies and life lessons!

If you set your goal to what you want, your brain will help you achieve it by bringing various things to your awareness.  Once you reach that goal, why would it continue?  

Push and stretch yourself further than you think and don't make goals into rules.  You have to achieve this or else.  That's when we want to withdraw and not even try.  Give yourself grace to fail and LEARN new ways to get there.  New paths bring revolutions.  Be revolutionary!

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