We Did It!!!

I have determined that I am a runner.  I bought the shoes.  I went on an interval run.  And I knew I needed a stretch goal.  Something to actively work towards and something a little out of reach.  

So this weekend, we are doing the Color Run 5K as a determination run to help set expectancy with our first goal run, the Zoo 5K .  Basically, the Color Run is for fun and to see how intensive we need to train.  For the Zoo Run, we'll set a time goal based on how we do at the Color Run to stretch ourselves.  

I have not ran as a hobby or sport since Middle School when I was pulled out due to health issues.  I have a defect in my knees that was discovered later that I had set in my mind as the reason why I couldn't run any more.  Then I really explored how I wanted to define myself and you know what, I want to be a runner.  No excuses.  There are no reasons to hold me back.  If I need surgery, let's get it done if it's required at some point, otherwise I get to define who I am.

I get to define who I am.
I am a runner.
Who are you?

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