2020 Goals

Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have set my intention to increase my personal energy this year.  For several months I have set a specific form of energy, for example:

  • January: Spiritual
  • February: Sex month (sex every single day)
  • March: Mental energy
  • April: Fun
  • May: Physical
  • June: Food
  • July: Volunteering
  • August: Writing
  • September: External products
This is a self-experimentation to see if I can increase my energy hacking my body, mind, and spirit.  Ninjey style, hayah!

Body measurements: I have no clue what I want to see here, but I took measurements.  That's something, right?

Body fat: My body fat is approximately 36%.  My goal is 24% by the end of the year.

#gohardorgohome #aintgoinghome #beastmode

Body weight: I started the year at about 175 lbs.  This goal is pretty insignificant as I only want to be below 170 lbs.  I'm at 170 lbs now so pretty much achieved.

Debt: We have about $75,000 left we owe on 1 vehicle and school loans.  We will pay this off this year no matter what!

Clothing: This is one I'm really wishy washy one, but keep considering not buying any clothing this year.  Nothing.

Master Herbalist Program: I am about 1/5th of the way through and would like to finish this year.  This is a massive commitment to make happen.

And goal I have completed this year already?  I quit vaping!!!

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