Yesterday was my First

It was my first scheduled rest day and I ate a bit and used the rest of my time reading weird paranormal in the tub.  Ahhh. 

So Monday, right?  Here I thought if I went slow and steady I would surprise myself with how much I got done.  Um well, maybe on a different day, on Monday it was just work and get nuffin done.  Don't you hate that. 

And now I'm 2 weeks behind on some of my work and I can only hope that I will get to it sometime soon.  I really don't like being behind like that.  All yesterday I had to continue to stop myself from working.  It went something like:

It will only take a few minutes to answer my emails....   How long would it take to return some calls?  But if I did X, Y or Z I could really claim that it isn't work as it IS something I want to do, right? 

At least I am used to my inner whiner and could counteract it  :)  lol! 

I am still besausted (kid speak) which tells me my immune system is still limping along and part of me would like to rest up today I have to get a minimum of 2 rituals written today, perform one of them later (Happy Ostara peeps!)  (Lol!  Makes me want to say Happy Easter Bunny, bock bock)  (love those cadbury commercials)  (hehehe)

Oh yeah, minimum to do today, I also need to pick up the temple and get it ready and I have a consultation with the Sleep Center today. 

Hey!  That reminds me, following this I will repost an article I wrote for Ostara a couple years ago. 

So that's all, zzzzz drool a bit

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