
A friends asked me about Superfoods and wanted to know if I knew any of them.  Big grins.  Right now I am using spirulina, raw cacao, maca, bee pollen, and young coconuts. 

Some of the Superfoods aren't the tastiest so I sneak them into my smoothies or spinkle them onto my salads.  My greens powder is so strong that I can only put half the dosage in my smoothie before it starts making it taste funny.  Play around with them.  Some of them are suited for certain dishes and others can be hidden in anything. 

A Superfood is classified as a nutrient rich food that is beneficial to health and well-being.

So here is a list of some of the common Superfoods touted in raw foods:

Apple Cider Vinegar (the cloudy kind): full of enzymes, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, organic sodium, chlorine, silicon, iron, copper, organic malic acid (dissolves toxins).  Paul Bragg believed that it helps soften clogged arteries and clear crystal deposits from muscle tissue.  Useful for sore throats as a gargle (my kids swear by it!)

Bee Pollen: high in protein RNA and DNA, adenosine (aids the metabolism), boosts the immune system, and is energizing, full of live enzymes, hormone balancing and great for the libido.  Local bee pollen can also help to reduce the affects of allergies. 

Cacao, raw: click here for a great article!

Coconuts (young/thai): reprint of previous quote:
Coconuts have a long list of health benefits, thanks to the presence of lauric acid, a precursor to monolaurin that acts as an antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial agent. Coconut oil in particular is excellent for skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis when taken internally as well as applied externally on problem areas.
Coconut oil:
Is helpful in killing viruses that cause influenza, herpes, hepatitis, and measles
Is helpful in killing bacteria that cause ulcers, gum disease, and throat infections
Is helpful in killing fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, and athlete’s foot
Reduces the production of LDL, “bad” cholesterol
Is rapidly burned by the liver in the form of glucose
Increases metabolism
Boosts the immune system
Reduces inflammation and aids in tissue repair
Improves digestion and the absorption of vitamins and minerals"
Wignall, Judita (2011-05-01). Going Raw: Everything You Need to Start Your Own Raw Food Diet and Lifestyle Revolution at Home (Kindle Locations 689-700). Quarry Books. Kindle Edition.

Goji Berries: very nutrient dense, complete source of protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, top source for longevity and strength building.  You can find these at Asian markets (also called Wolfberry). 

Hemp seeds: leading researchers say that hemp is the most nutitious and sustainable food available.  Packed with 33 percent digestive protein, iron, vitamin E, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. 

Maca: full of minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, irone, and silica), almost 20 different amino acids and 7 essential amino acids, its an adaptogen (stabilizes and maintains systems such as endocrine, circulatory, and immune), contains alkaloids (libido enhancing). 

Spirulina: 70 percent assailable protein, all essential amino acids , B12, glycolipids, sulfonolipids, 17 different beta-carotenoids, over 2000 enzymes, tons of vitamins and minerals, world class immune system booster, protects against radioactive particles, balances pH

Sprouts: Sprouts are so enzyme rich that many raw foodist eat them at least 2 meals every day.  They are super easy to grow on your own and the cost is much lower than buying them.  Click here for additional info.

There are tons of Superfoods out there.  These happen to be the ones I use most often and I find them very easy to incorporate with my diet. 

Recently my family (except for myself and Timothy Jr) had the stomach flu.  I made sure to have young coconuts almost daily and I did not get sick.  This is the first time in a few years that I not only didn't get sick, but so much sicker than anyone else. 

I am still having autoimmune flair ups.  However, so far they are getting fewer and farther between.  Yahoo!
And here is a broader list of superfoods:
Spirulina, Goji Berries, Cacao, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Honey (raw), Chlorella, Maca, Chia, Coconut (young/thai), Flax Seeds, Hemp, Nori/seaweed (sea vegetables), Cranberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Pumpkin, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar (cloudy), Spinach, Tomatoes, Carrots, Kale, Fermented foods, Cinnamon (great for regulating blood sugar), Blue-green Algae, Cayenne, Olives, Avocado, Astaxanthin, Krill Oil, Pumpkin Seeds, Apples, Cruciferous vegetables, Sprouted Lentils/grains, Nuts/seeds, Salmon, Marine Phytoplankton, Medicinal Mushrooms, Parsley, Dandelion, Wheatgrass, Bilberry, Elderberry, Noni, Durian, and many more. 

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