Random Tips from Recent Reads

Very tired today and still have some lingering fatigue so be tender with me, be kind, oh yeah baby!  Maybe too much candy lately.  hehehe.  Not that kind of candy.  That's what I call all of my trash novels I read.  Not good for me but oh so yummy to consume. 

When I'm laid up I tend to read a lot and when I can't read, I have my kindle read to me.  Which was a lifesaver after Christmas when I was laid up with light sensitive headaches.  I laid clutching my head while my beloved read to me.  My kindle, my heart!  lol!

Oh!  I got my rest days scheduled for a month.  I wasn't able to schedule it perfectly, but I hope I did well. 
If I have no set backs in this next 30 days I will consider it a success.  Fingers crossed!

Ok, so if you haven't read any of Leo Baubata's works, check out this freebie: Zen to Done.  It is a brief look at his principles.  This book is a very simplified version of The Power of Less.  Baubata has published two books since then, Focus and The Effortless Life.  I am very interested in reading them, but my book allowance is greatly diminished.  I am checking out books slowly from the library, however I have a feeling that I will still want to own those books so that I can refer back to them. 

"Solution: ZTD focuses on one habit at a time. You don't have to try to adopt the entire system at once — it's overwhelming and it's too hard to focus on your habit changes if you do too many at a time. Instead, focus on one at a time, and adopt the system in phases. Use proven habit-changing methods (30-day challenge, commitment, rewards, motivation hacks, etc.) to successfully adopt each new habit."
Babauta, Leo (2008-05-08). Zen To Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System (Kindle Locations 45-47). Phatbits. Kindle Edition.

Baubata's system is not for everyone.  There are some that need to/can tackle more than one thing at a time with success.  I used to be one of those people.  I was able to tackle large to do lists without a hiccup.  So many years of that with added to that an every increasing mountain helped to put me in this place that I am at now. 

Now, Baubata's system is exactly what I need.  Every time I dive in like I used to I face a set back.  I am learning baby steps. 

In ZTD Baubata has a list of recommended habits to start with that may be added to my list of things to habitualize.  Healthy sleep and healthy eating top any of his suggestions, for my situation, so I'm setting aside his till I'm on my feet somewhat regularly. 

Next isn't a tip, however a couple inspiring quotes from The Secret Garden.

""Every morning and evening and as often in the daytime as I can remember I am going to say, 'Magic is in me! Magic is making me well! I am going to be as strong as Dickon, as strong as Dickon!'""  (Kindle Locations 2538-2540).

""Then I will chant," he said. And he began, looking like a strange boy spirit. "The sun is shining—the sun is shining. That is the Magic. The flowers are growing—the roots are stirring. That is the Magic. Being alive is the Magic—being strong is the Magic. The Magic is in me—the Magic is in me. It is in me—it is in me. It's in every one of us. It's in Ben Weatherstaff's back. Magic! Magic! Come and help!""   (Kindle Locations 2572-2575).

These next coupla tips come from Hurry Less Worry Less. 

""More balance in all things. Slow down and enjoy life more by balancing work and play, togetherness and aloneness, planning and spontaneity, spending and saving, fitness of body and soul.""  (Kindle Locations 172-173).

"Perhaps you have gotten one of those cranky emails from your systems' guru telling you that you have too many messages and files and folders on your computer and are slowing the system down. You delete a lot of unnecessary stuff and discover that he or she was absolutely right. The machine works better, quicker, and more as it was intended to work. We humans are like that. We need to reboot from time to time. Most people are universally poor at this. We think we are indispensable or worry about what other people will think or always have something we should do."  (Kindle Locations 1270-1274).

The next one come from Nutrition Diva's 5 Secrets for Aging Well by Monica Reinagel.  I picked this up for free from Amazon.  It is now only available from Audible on Amazon's site so not sure if this is a section taken from one of her other books or not.  Sometimes they have preview chapters so not sure...

According to Reinagel sugar:
suppresses the immune system
promotes inflammation
suppresses the release of human growth hormone
promotes glycation
raises insulin level

(Again, check out what candida is and does to your system sometimes!)

If you are sensitive to sugars you should avoid fruits, but if you aren't fruits don't count as the sugars you should avoid.  Yay Raw Foods!  Shish Boom Bah!  (I'm a cheerleader :p )

This is my 18th day raw.  I had some non-raw dark chocolate yesterday as I cannot swallow paying $7 for a little hunk of raw chocolate.  It really helped to pick up my mood at the time!  I have some raw nibs that I add to smoothies from time to time and some recipes for making my own raw chocolate.  I need to find a cheaper source of raw cacao than Marlene's and I'm all set.  I may try making some carob to begin with as it is $17 a pound cheaper than raw cacao powder. 

I have a lot of things on my to do list so I need to end here.  I don't plan on completing everything today, but if I go slow and steady I will get more done than if I continue finding every sparkly on the internet!  Oooh....

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